Emerging Trends in Sustainable Transportation

Transportation Tomorrow Forum: 
Emerging Trends in Sustainable Transportation

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Transportation Tomorrow Forum. We appreciate your time, engagement and questions. See below for a summary of the forum as well as a link to a recording of the presentation.

  • TOPIC - Emerging Trends in Sustainable Transportation
  • ORIGINAL DATE - June 8, 2021, 3:30-5p
  • DISCUSSION TOPIC - Transportation affects everyone and as Aggies begin to return to campus, we in the transportation industry wonder--how have travel trends changed since COVID-19? What’s the future of shared mobility and public transportation? Are there short- and long-term commute habits that are here to stay? We’ll discuss all of this as well as break down data from the recent Campus Travel Survey and look at how UC Davis has adapted its sustainable transportation program over the past year.
    • Ramon Zavala, Transportation Demand Manager, Transportation Services
    • Ryan Miller, Ph.D. Student, Geography Graduate Group
    • Jose Perez, Deputy Director, Operations, Planning, and Special Projects, Yolobus
    • Jeff Flynn, General Manager of Unitrans
    • Kelsie Ryan, student driver for Unitrans
    • Ryan Jones (Moderator), Engagement Coordinator, Transportation Services 


Click Here to Review Recording of Forum

If you have any issues accessing this recording or have questions, please email goclub@ucdavis.edu.