Parking Agreement

Permission to Park Agreement 


Please consider using alternate modes of transportation such as Unitrans, bicycling, or carpools to come to campus.  It is more sustainable, reduces greenhouse emissions, and usually costs less than driving alone to campus.


This Permission to Park Agreement (PPA) entitles the permission holder to park for a period indicated by the permission, one vehicle at a time, in a designated parking stall.  The vehicle license plate number you enter into the parking software combines that information with the person’s affiliate or non-affiliate status to generate a virtual permission linked to the vehicle’s license plate. 

The parking facilities attached to your permission may occasionally change without notice, depending on university needs.  A parking permission does not guarantee a parking space.  Parking is accommodated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Your permission is valid only on the vehicle(s) you register.  It is not transferable to any other vehicle, nor can it be given or sold to someone else.  Only one permitted vehicle may be on campus at any time.

Campus housing and dorm residents (including West Village and The Green) must adhere to the Campus Resident Parking policy.  Any affiliate (staff, student, & faculty) with an active campus housing lease must update the address information on their Account Contacts page before purchasing any permit through the online system.

The University is not responsible for loss or damage due to fire, theft, collision, or other vehicle contents, however caused.


By accepting a UC Davis Department of Transportation Services (DOTS) parking permission, I agree to abide by the terms set forth in the University’s Traffic and Parking Code and understand that violations of these regulations may lead to a citation(s), towing at the owner’s expense, and/or revocation of parking privileges.  I understand that a purchase of an LRPP permit is non-refundable or prorated.

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