Peace, Love, and Bicycles: May is Bike Month


Bikes are a fairly normal thing in Davis, that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t take time to lift them up and celebrate them. May is National Bike Month, established in 1956 by the League of American Bicyclists, and continues locally as we celebrate 20 years of May is Bike Month with our pals at Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates (SABA). While this celebration, and bikes in general, are not new, there’s a lot to celebrate about our biking culture at UC Davis and we look forward to helping you celebrate and get recognized for it with free swag, discounted bikes, and a chance to win a new ebike!

Track Your Rides with Love to Ride

The Bike Program will be setting up at a number of events throughout the month, helping keep our Aggies riding to, and around, campus. One of the main promotions during the month will be helping get people signed up for Love to Ride, the tool that is used to track people’s rides and participation with May is Bike Month. Be sure to check it out, join the ‘UC Davis - Davis Campus’ team, and start tracking your rides. You’ll accrue points, help our campus rank high in the business competition, and earn a chance to win a variety of prizes, one of which includes a great eBike from REI! The more you track, the better your chances, so log all your rides!

Yolo Commute MIBM Incentive Program

NOTE: As of Wednesday, May 15, 2024, all the allocated funds in this incentive have been used. YoloCommute is no longer accepting applications for reimbursement. Other incentives such as the TRIP mode shift funds or discounted transit passes remain available.  

Additional May is Bike Month perks include the awesome benefits offered through our membership with YoloCommute. They offer incredible incentives to help you get a new bike, or an eBike, or cover the costs for parts, repair, or accessories to keep you riding what you already have. UC Davis affiliates are eligible for:

  • $350 towards the purchase of an eBike
  • $250 towards the purchase of a bike 
  • $150 that can be used at local shops for tune ups, parts and accessories 

Click here for more information on the Yolo Commute MIBM Incentive Program and FAQs.

May is Bike Month Events

Speaking of YoloCommute, and events, we’re excited to be out and about during May is Bike Month to support all of you out there and riding. Find us at the events below: 

  • Sunday, May 5, Loopalooza, 10 AM to 2 PM: a community bike ride along the 12-mile Davis Bike Loop. Find the Bike Program set up with the ASUCD Bike Barn outside Shields Library, providing stoke, mechanical support, and helping guide people through our campus. 
  • Wednesday, May 8, TGFS, 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM: complimentary Bike Valet outside the Cowell Building, and tabling with YoloCommute, and Safety Services, promoting all the various programs that the Bicycle Program offers to help move our Aggies Safely around campus. 
  • Thursdays throughout May, Bike Program Tabling, 11 AM to 2 PM: find the Bike Program set up outside the ASUCD Bike Barn every Thursday in May helping our Aggies sign up with Love to Ride, learn about (and bid in) the May Bike Auction (closing May 16), and celebrate Bike to Wherever Day on May 16. We’re planning something special for Thursday, May 16, so be sure to stop by and see what the Bike Program is (hint) cooking up for you. 

One more thing we’ve schemed up for May is Bike Month, is a great chance to try out SPIN, for FREE! We’ve partnered with SPIN to offer a month-long $10 ride credit. So, if you haven’t yet, or just want to save some on your regular rides, plug in BIKEMONTH24 to get $10 in free rides May 1-31. 

Reminders: log your rides (using Love to Ride), ride safe (free helmets via Helmet Hair Don’t Care), ride well (free education online via CyclingSavvy), and I’ll see you all on the cycle track! ✌♥🚲

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